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About the Album

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Louder Than Words​


This album was a labor of love, recorded and re-recorded over a 1 1/2 year period at home through a period of intense ups and downs. It is the product of perseverance in the face of adversity and change.


It is proof that if you set your sight on a goal no matter the challenges you can achieve them ... despite the obstacles and the storm swirling around you. Ultimately it is a snapshot of my life, as all art is. I am different now than when I started this project, and I am forever changed in many ways.


Thanks to all who inspired me with words and music.


The Songs

Blame it on the River​

Lyrics written by my good friend Bra​d Myers and I.  Brad is a Marine who served 30 years ago and has spent his life trying to better the lives of other veterans through horse therapy and personal outreach.


The song is about the healing power of rivers and water, both emotionally and physically.  It can heal through meditation, and also through activities and programs like Team River Runner, which "provide all veterans and their families an opportunity to find health, healing, community purpose, and new challenges through adventure and adaptive paddle sports!"

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Ride the Thunder

A song about standing up in the face of  adversity and challenge.  Inspired by a Teddy Roosevelt quote who implored people to stand up, accept the challenge and take the by the horns.  Filled with imagery about the power of nature as an alliteration to life's challenges.


"There is little use for the being whose tepid soul knows nothing of great and generous emotion, of the high pride, the stern belief, the lofty enthusiasm, of the men who quell the storm and ride the thunder.”

-Theodore Roosevelt 1910

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Let it Go Now

Written by a singer/songwriter name Aaron King.  I was captivated by this song when a clip was first posted on an obscure message board years ago.  I've always included it in my setlist ever since.  The song is about letting go of bad love and finding good love and staying healthy.

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The first song I wrote after a 10 year hiatus from playing music.  Susan Sullivan and I were given lyrics written by her Uncle Greg and his wife Cindy.  They had written a poetic ode about Cindy moving from Michigan to Colorado, seeking her cowboy and falling in love with the west. 


In the chorus is this line:  "I'm coming for a cowboy, I don't care what he rides ..."  Greg rides a Harley not a horse.


Lyrics written by Susan Sullivan, music by both of us.  A song about how we all think we are a bit broken in some way, and how we perceive others who are struggling to be broken.  The truth is we are all just trying to get through the day and hard times come and go.  Ultimately we want someone to say to us ... "You're not broken to me ..."

When Was the Last Time

Lyrics written by Brad Myers and I and inspired by Tommy, a simple man working as a bagger at the local Safeway.  He is always happy despite his challenges and not appearing to have much.


A song about what's truly important in life ...  Is it work, rushing to meetings, shopping, a cup of Starbucks coffee?  Or is it watching a sunset, kneeling down to help a child, falling in love, feeling deeply, the longing of a lengthy goodbye?


There are those of us who may not seem to have it all on the outside, but are much richer than they seem.

Man in the Moon

Lyrics written by Susan Sullivan, music by both of us.  A song about mountain living, about strange neighbors, about spooky autumn nights in the mountains when the air is still and abandoned vehicles cast strange shadows and play tricks on your mind.

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Southbound 285

Lyrics written by Susan Sullivan, music by both of us.  A song about a family acquaintance who traded her horse for a Harley and lost her life riding on Hwy 285 in the foothills west of Denver.  A song of hope and redemption and a celebration of life.

Riley's Song

Lyrics written by Susan Sullivan, music by both of us.  A song inspired by Zak Anderegg's story of finding Riley a puppy abandoned in a 350' slot canyon in Arizona.  Zak rescued Riley and subsequently posted a YouTube video and wrote a book about his experience entitled "Rescuing Riley, Saving Myself". 


An amazing story about healing and honoring the important things in life.  Who rescued who?

Park County Line

Lyrics written by Brad Myers and I.  A tongue in cheek look at mountain living, getting back up into the woods and away from that high tech city life.  Five more miles, two left turns until we're there.

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